Starting point: Target on Denton Highway....
4:30 Have Zeke and Clara Matheny in the car. Going up the correct side of the parking lot. Chick in a Jeep Cherokee type car is cutting across parking lot in between cars and hits my front left wheel well and quarter panel.
4:31 Off duty deputy sheriff calls 911
4:40 Every single member of the Watauga fire station, EMT brigade and one policeman show up. Yes, sirens on and lights flashing. Aces. Zeke is elated. Pretty sure Clara was embarrassed.
4:45 Blood pressure taken, fine. Dr. Wiggy called, no-go on ambulance ride. Note to send him muffin basket later for saving me from embarrasment.
4:50 All of the said public servants were working on finding my spare tire and jack. Who can be the manliest and find it first? Turns out the policeman won.
5:00 (This will pick up I promise) Tire is changed. Clara is with Lori. Zeke is with me asking me to crash the car again.
5:15 Home unloading melting groceries and Zeke has an accident. He opts to eat a bowl of his new Cocoa Puffs while wearing only, and I mean only, a shirt. I did not even notice until he was done.
6:00 Try to make sense of my house.
6:05 Give up
7:30 Start feeling sore around my ribs and abdomen. Noting too bad, but I decide to call Dr. Pam. She says come over. I call my angel of a mother-in-law to come over for Zeke duty. Put Zeke in tub.
8:00 Leave house. Pick up wine for Dr. Pam for doing an adjustment at 8:30 at night.
8:30 Adjusted, feeling better, go home.
10:30 Mason is woken up to read on a Facebook message that his wife was in an accident (sent by me of course). He calls immediately. I feel bad for starting his day like that.
12:30 Go to bed after watching a disappointing DWTS and doing the laundry.
7:30 Wake up, get Zeke to school and on my way to the doctor.
9:15 Insurance lady from Jeep chick's company calls... here we go.
9:20 Injury report time. I casually mention that I went to a chiropractor last night. Sirens went off in the lady's office and I hear something about a code red in the background. WE HAVE AN INJURY CLAIM. The guy will call me later. Can't wait.
10:15 Dr. Wiggy appointment. All is good. Suzie is safe, measuring fine and fantastic. Nurse lady informs me that I am only supposed to gain 25 pounds while pregnant. I have gained 27 this far and have 7 weeks to go. I stare at her blankly a la Homer Simpson and leave.
11:00 Injury claim guy meets me at Starbucks. He has to see me to make sure I am whole. He does offer me a claim check way over what I needed or expected. (A blessing!) Asked me to sign a piece of paper. I told him I am one of those '60s housewives whose husbands like to look over everything. He says fine, call later. Fanatastic.
12:20 Try to eat lunch fast while sitting in a resturant. Looks like I have not eaten in five days whilst doing it. I don't really care.
12:50 Get a rental car. Guy at rental car place tries to give me the rental insurance. No, thanks.
1:30 Pick up Zeke and realize that the seat belts do not lock in this car. This is a problem.
1:35 Have to pick up phone charger from house to call rental car place and complain about this. Coming out of the house, I almost slip and bust my bum on the slippery linoleum floor. Say words that I will not post in this blog.
1:40 Call poor, defenseless rental car guy. He says this is new in cars. The seat belts have sensors now and will lock on impact. Great. Let's hope the guy at the factory installed that correctly.
2:00 Pick up Hudson the Hurricane.
2:15 Pick up Ellie after her teacher lectured me on having the sign with Ellie's name on it propped up correctly because it was difficult to read. Yeah, lady, that is what I am concerned with right now. Helping you read. I know that sounds mean, just saying how I felt.
2:30 Chat with Mason about car ordeal.
3:00 Kids all are melting down.. something about a mask being broken or something. All of them are sent to bed.
5:00 Meredith picks up Zeke because God has ordained her to make my life easier at very opportune times.
5:30 For some reason, I have Ellie and Hudson "help" me vacuum out the couches. Why? I have no idea.
6:00 Put Ellie and Hudson in the car. Leave Stringers' garage door opener and the last set of Xterra keys on the back of the rental car. Drive off. Realize I don't have them. Starting crying. Go home. Nowhere to be found. More crying. Drive slowly the way I came to try and see them. Find the keys. Random person asks me if I am okay. I give him the "It's not you, it's me" look. He understands. Drive by the decimated garage door opener. Anticipate sister's wrath.
6:10 Call mom. More crying.
6:30 Mom meets me with keys to the Stringer home and bathes the children probably as a penance for already calling my sister and laughing about my peril on the phone. I decide to forgive her.
7:00 Leave the Stringers' house.
7:01 Almost hit a cat.
I miss Mason.