Friday, January 14, 2011

Inspired by Erin

Well, hello everyone...

I wanted to start blogging because my cousin Erin shared her blog with me and it seemed like a really cool thing to do. Blogs are funny to me because I hear my sister talk about them all the time. She reads blogs of people that like make their own paper for their Christmas cards, grow all their own food and whose kids speak Mandarin at 5. She immediately rolls her eyes in disgust and calls me saying, "I am going to start a blog that is called 'We are having chicken nuggets for dinner again.' or 'I haven't worked out in a month and I don't care.'" I don't know if I will be on one extreme or the other, but we'll see how it goes.

Sunday is my birthday. I really don't feel like the new year starts until January 16, so normally I spend the first two weeks in a state of flux. Weird. I know. It's like I don't want the year to start, so I loll around the house hoping that pending things like taxes and website redesigns will not creep into my brain.

31 is the magic number for Sunday. Never thought I would get to this point in life. Not to sound morbid, Mom, but when I was twelve, I could never picture myself as a 31 year old. Some people do, not me. Maybe it is because I did not know what it would look like: great husband, 3 year old that sounds French when he talks, a daughter on the way that will probably be sassier than me and a faithful dog that loves me no matter what. What more could a girl want? Or I guess since I am 31... what more could a woman want? Nothing I tell you. Nothing.

Thanks for reading my first blog! I will keep you posted on how this year of life changes me. It is sure to happen.


  1. Jill! I'm so glad you have a blog! It's like I'm listening to you talk:)

    After all of these years, I still remember your birthday is the 16th....happy early, birthday friend!

  2. Ah! I'm so happy! You're gonna be such a fun blog to read. Happy blogging.

  3. Your blog has been a fun read! I knew you had the Selah blog and go looking for updates from time to time.

    Look forward to more of your posts!
